by Tara Basagoitia

Do you know that whatever you want in your life is already within you? Yes, whatever your life goals are... you already have the power to make those goals a reality. Think about what you want. Is your goal to get fit, lose some baby weight, or heal chronic injury? Do you want to find your purpose and passion, discover what the next step in your life will be, or build the business- of your dreams? Maybe you want to be a more present mom, a more engaging wife, or just keep up with your grandkids? Is it time for you to find a new tribe to inspire and lift you up, or to find a way to create more choices and options in your life? In order to create these external experiences, we must first begin by creating internal experiences (within each of us). Here’s my story... and how it unfolded for me.

I suddenly found myself feeling cranky, unhappy, and exhausted all the time! Working in the field of fitness and health used to be my passion, but after having my girls something changed.

Trying to juggle everything to get ahead wasn’t serving me anymore.

I was helping others become fit and healthy, but being at my employer's and clients' beck and call - impacted my health and happiness. I was chronically exhausted, injured, and eating (for fitness rather than for health). I was not making enough time for my own self-care. I suffered from mom-guilt for working weekends and evenings when my family was home without me. Does any of this sound familiar?

I realized that if I wanted things to change in my life, I had to change!

I committed to work on myself. I learned that whatever is going on in my life, work, relationships, or health is a reflection of me! I hired my own life-coaches, healed myself with whole foods nutrition, invested in my time with my own Yoga/Pilates practice, and became a certified Reiki practitioner. I BELIEVE attitude and energy is everything! I learned how to manage my energy, and to live a life of gratitude by changing how I perceived unpredictable life events.


Here are 5 tips to help you get ahead in life while boosting your energy, confidence and joy!

  1. Determine your powerful “why”! Work the layers to discover your why. What makes you jump out of bed in the morning with joy? Begin by taking simple steps that will lead you to a happier and healthier life.

  2. Act as if you have already achieved your goal. For example, how does a powerful business woman treat herself? Top leaders put self-care on top of their priority list. Your WEALTH is your Health!

  3. Stop comparing yourself to others and let go of pleasing everyone. Our super powers (talents, skills, traits) are unique to each of us. Embrace them! It is ok that not everyone likes us. Find the people who value and appreciate you - as you are.

  4. Boost your confidence quickly by figuring out your fears. Discover what they are and conquer them - but don’t stop there - go after the next challenge, and the next one!

  5. Grant yourself some grace on the days you lack inspiration or motivation. We need to feel all the feels!

And finally, one of the greatest lessons I've learned is to always take care of your mind, body and spirit. We all stumble along the way, and experience these challenges or moments of burn out at some point... and we don't have to stay stuck. I hope that by sharing my story you'll know that you aren't alone and you (too) can overcome your challenges! Reach out and comment below if I can help to encourage you in any way. I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes of all time...

“Take Care of Your Body, It’s the Only Place You Have to Live!” - Jim John


Tara Basagoitia is a healthy lifestyle coach specializing in mind/body fitness, natural nutrition, and energy healing for busy and burned out women through on-line and in-person fitness and nutrition programs. She teaches, motivates and inspires you to make simple and healthy lifestyle changes in your busy day. You can also find Tara indulging in summer hiking, camping (in a cabin) or antique/vintage shopping when she isn't working or spending time with her family.